Airplanenut's Charity Auction #10
Supporting The Cameron Kiefer Family Memorial Fund




The Charity:

Cameron Kiefer was a coin collector/dealer/research and a friend to many in the online coin community. He died in December, 2010, under tragic circumstances, leaving behind a wife and two very young children. All the proceeds from this auction will go to help his family in their time of need. For more information, click here.


How Will It Work? An Overview (see FAQ for more specific questions/answers)

First, donations will be accepted. Any items that you may have and would like to donate can be included- American coins (moderns, colonial, classics- any), world coins, books, supplies, etc. I will take donations by mail, or if it is difficult to first ship to me, I can pass someone's address to you (although it is easier for me to catalog all items- but for now, that is irrelevant). When I receive items, I will catalog them on my computer and store them securely. Finally, when I feel I have enough items (likely around mid-March), I will begin the auction, with the donors' names concealed--everything is anonymous. The auction will be on the message boards, and all bids will be anonymous. Bids can be placed by private message* or email. Depending on the time frame, when the auction starts, I will also specify its length, allowing for plenty of bidding time.

When the auction has ended, I will collect payment as with any purchase, and ship out your winnings. When all payments have been received, I will announce the total amount earned, and provide an image of the donated check.

Please direct any questions you may have to

*Private Messages refer to private messages at the PCGS/Collector's Universe and NGC/Collector's Society Message Boards- my user ID at both is airplanenut


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